Chimney Walk (December 15)
A little Christmas song in the style of Hasil Adkins'
Part of a Mooster Records compilation on Bandcamp: Merry Mooster Mix-Mas
this is danomatika's audio blog of sorts a place to put new song ideas up for feedback from friends this is also a repository for music I've been party to in the past --- think of this page as a comprehensive demo listing --- some pretty rough old stuff, but progress is progress |
index |
Chimney Walk (December 15)
A little Christmas song in the style of Hasil Adkins'
Part of a Mooster Records compilation on Bandcamp: Merry Mooster Mix-Mas
hello (October 28 15)
Playing with a simple sample looper made for a class on Pure Data
helloTh' Royal Shakes
"Old Noise" Rock, Surf, & Garage cover band playing your favorite B, C, & Z sides!
w/ Zombo, Julie, Blair, & Eric
Pittsburgh, PA 2014-2015
Oakmont Car Show (August 22nd 15)
Live album @ the Cal 7 Car Show in Oakmont, PA (first half of the set)
01 Huggies Bunnies - The BlendellsLive at RANT (August 15th 15)
Live album @ Arsenal Lanes in Lawrenceville, PA as part of Rock All Night Tour 2015
01 Huggies Bunnies - The Blendellsexperiments
Dan's Heart (August 14)
Just messing around in Russell's practice space in Austin, TX
session recordingZombos In Your Brain theme (May 14)
Short theme stinger for DJ Zombo's "Zombo's in Your Brain" Radio show on WRCT
ZombosInYourBrainLoss / Recovery / Decay (March 14)
sound design for Carl Bajanda's slowly evolving crystal painting
sound design excerpt (painting sweeps from blue to brown and back)The Return of the Spirit of Molten Iron (Fall 13)
sound design for The Return of the Spirit of Molten Iron performance using field recordings made at the Carrie Furnace site.
3 acts: Call to Work, Whistles & Machinery, and Ritual of Compression & Release
sound design excerptPD tests (Summer 12)
7-17-2012_17-9-47_StickGuitar_testMoonbell demo (Sep 11)
NASA real time solar wind data sonification for the MoonArts project
9-29-2011_5-9-28_SolarWindRhythmicon demo (Sep 11)
Thermin Rhythmicon simulated in Pure Data
9-28-2011_4-12-38_OffsetJamnew robotcowboy (07-11)
roter krebs (Sep 5 09)
during the ars electronica festival 09
01__9-5-2009_16-32-46_RunningMan_pad_excerptsuboptimal live 09 (Jun-Jul 09)
summer tour - download the album as a zip
01__6-27-2009_19-29-45_RunningMan_padDelayOMatic (May 09)
testing the rc DelayOMatic
Ache delay testImprov at WORM in Rotterdam (09 Apr 09)
encore Improv at the end of a regular set
4-9-2009_17-58-5_Improvvox chorus+reverb (Mar 09)
testing of vocal chorus+reverb in the rc system
vox chorus+reverb3 aka RunningMan_v2SubOptimal (Feb 09)
short song made in 4 days for a promo music video
SubOptimal demo2 masteredspring 09 sketches (Jan-May 09)
FingerSays_sketchrobotcowboy song updates (Jan-Apr 09)
updating robotcowboy songs
HoldMeGently_v2_initial7inchwave to rc (Jan-Apr 09)
attempts to adapt some 7inchwave songs in robotcowboy
Ache_sReverb_mixtestSteim 08 (Nov-Dec 08)
experimental gamepad/wiimote controlled patches for the Steim MicoMusic Jamboree 09
---------------------- Zip of a RunThru of the set 12-10-09fall 08 sketches (Nov-Dec 08)
VocalVerb sketch1fall 08 analog guitar trials (Oct 08)
trying out the analog guitar through the robotcowboy system
Ache rcsystem trialskylink party @ the futurelab (28 Aug 08)
1_8-29-2008_22-15-51_Velocipedesummer 08 sketches (May-Aug 08)
SolarStormspring 08 demos (Mar-Apr 08)
FloatingFarther (see Demo2 below)consoles afire tour cd 1 (Jan-Feb 08)
Live recordings from the first half of the tour, Jan 17 - Feb 13. Read about the tour or download a zip of the entire album.
1__2-10-2008_0-16-1_RunningManconsoles afire tour cd 2 (Jan-Feb 08)
Live recordings from the second half of the tour, Feb 13 - Feb 28. Read about the tour or download a zip of the entire album.
1__2-16-2008_0-6-27_RunningManrobotcowboy+ELKA (Nov 07) ... the ELKA is a large Swedish organ we found
Darknesstour demos (Oct 07)
MyLungsWereAchingForYouSTEIM instrumental experimentation demos (Oct 07)
ByThisTimeMyLungsWereAchingForAiruppat demos (Sep 07)
Uppat Demo 9-26-07ArpeggiateNow AntiPod (Aug 07)
released on the exclusive 3.5" floppy disc label, Antipod. Antipod #2.
ArpeggiateNow 192kpsinitial robotcowboy patch demos (May-June 07)
RunningMan First DemoCasio DG-20 sketches (Early Spring 07)
DG20session3old robotcowboy (06)
cowboyrobot (Fall 06)
Brush Your FaceDemO (Spring 06)
Brush Your Faceconcepts (Fall 05)
Andrew's Themethe cast-outs (Summer 06)
first take frenzy (Aug 06)
Check out the cast-outs webpage or download a zip of the album.
deer in the headlightsnew 7inchWave (04-05)
Load, "Love Emulator" ,8,1 (May 05)
Check out the 7inchWave website or download a zip of the album.
Dynamite1.44 MB Floppy Disc Single (May 05)
ThemeWLUW Live On the Air (May 05)
DynamitedEMO (Nov 04)
Themeold 7inchWave (03-04)
The Robot Mercy Sessions (Mar? 04)
Robot MercyThird Show Blues (2-27-04)
Yowsa!The Classic Sessions 2003-2004 (Dec 03-Jan 04)
Yowsa!solo stuff (02-05)
Chemical Man (Nov 05)
Chemical Man's LamentThe Sloppy Bytes (Sep 05)
Amateur Night at Space Harbor 0088Dark Country (04)
ReckoningDan Wilcox & TJ Jones (Summer 02)
There's Something Stirring In My CornfieldDan Wilcox & The Amazing Marmaduke! (Summer 02)
Kittens!My First Microphone - Summer 2002 (02)
My Words are Goldmisc
Tim and Dan - radiospotting (Aug 09)
Improv tracks in Pd made for the Linz radiospotting project
Going On A TrainDan & Fooshy at The Camp Sequoyah Stomp (June 06)
Purty GirlDan Wilcox & Nic Seivert: Electro Acoustics (Spring 05)
Active ControlProject Escape Game Music (03)
PlainsCyber Jorge (03)
Cyber JorgeThe Swampy Bottom Boys of Camp Sequoyah (03)
The Swampy Bottom Boys 2003Electro Acoustic Computer Music Class (02)
Final ProjectIan Rapes Goats - First Floor Storms Hall (02)
Ian the Goat Rapist